From 31 December 2024, we’re updating the Relative Risk Profile for some of our insured funds available across all share classes in our Aegon TargetPlan and Aegon Master Trust fund ranges.

These risk ratings – shown on fund factsheets as ‘Relative Risk Profile’ are only applicable to funds available via TargetPlan and the Aegon Master Trust. They are shown on a scale of 1 to 7 with 1 being ‘very low’ and 7 being ‘very high’.

Other risk ratings apply across the rest of our insured fund ranges and they, or ratings from other providers, are not comparable. Be aware that even lower risk investments can fall in value.

Nothing else about the funds will change because of this update. The way each fund invests hasn’t changed – only the Relative Risk Profile is being updated.

This is for information only, you don’t need to do anything.

Why we're making the changes

We’ve recently conducted a review of our TargetPlan risk ratings. We review the risk ratings of our funds to check if the risk of a fund has changed significantly. Following our most recent review we’re making changes to the risk ratings for some of our TargetPlan funds.

The value of an investment can fall as well as rise and is not guaranteed. You could get back less than you invest.

You can view the funds split by Association of British Insurers (ABI) Sector and their old and new Relative Risk Profile in more detail below.

ABI Sectors show the sector the fund sits in. Funds are grouped into different sectors depending on the type of investment used (for example, company shares). Grouping them in this way can make it easier to compare their performance against similar types of fund and investment strategies.    

View the changes in more detail

What current investors need to do

Existing investors don’t need to do anything.

We’ll update our literature and our website as soon as we can, but you may notice the old and new information in use for a time (for example on our fund factsheets).

More information about the funds can be found on our ‘Fund prices and performance’ page on our website and selecting ‘TargetPlan funds’ or 'Aegon Master Trust.'

If you’d like more information, please speak to your financial adviser. If you don’t have one, you can visit to find the right one for you.