What you choose depends largely on how confident you are making investment choices and on your attitude to risk.

What you invest in can have a big effect on how well off you are in retirement so it’s important to take the time to think about your investment choice. While we can’t give you advice, we’ve broken down the choices to make it easier for you to decide. 

Please remember, the value of investments isn't guaranteed and may go down as well as up. You may get back less than you invest.  

man looking away from camera with young boy on his shoulders

1. Do it for me

Your scheme will have a default fund or strategy chosen by your employer or trustees. If you don’t want to choose an option for yourself, you'll automatically be invested in this. 

smiling man relaxing at home after work and using his phone

2. Guide me

If you feel the default option isn’t right for you, your scheme may offer a shortlist of other funds for you to choose from.

Smiling female looking at computer screen

3. Leave it with me

If you have the time and experience to build your own portfolio then you can choose from the full range available to your scheme.

Responsible investments

Your pension choice now includes a growing number of responsible investments, which consider environmental, social or governance (ESG) factors as part of their investment objectives. Offering a choice of funds that match savers' values is a key priority for us.

In 2019, we also committed to achieving net zero carbon emissions for our default funds by 2050, and to halving emissions by 20301. To help achieve those targets, 92% of the assets in our LifePath default fund now consider ESG factors where savers are in the growth stage of investment (as at the end of March 2024). 

1Measured using carbon footprint across our full range of default funds. Emissions targets don’t apply to individual funds. 2030 target applies to scope 1 and 2 emissions from listed equities (shares) and corporate fixed income (bonds) only.’


Financial advice

If you feel you need help choosing, you may want to talk to a financial adviser, who can help design an investment strategy that is specific to your needs. 

If you don’t have an adviser already, you can find one at MoneyHelper. There may be a charge for this. 

combining your pension pots graphic