Our video content should reflect our brand look and feel along with adhering to tone of voice guidelines. Our videos will be viewed on a wide range of devices, so we need to ensure the messaging is clear enough to work on small mobile devices.

Videos can be requested through APS by filling out the creative brief and sending a 'Creative Concept' action. If you have any questions about the process, get in touch with APS Account Management.

We use Vimeo to host our videos. Please note that videos must be signed off before they can be published.

Once you have the video produced and ready to go, please consider the points below to make sure it’s optimised before sending to the Digital Operations Team to publish on our website. An example of an embedded video on our site is the Our Aegon Purpose video.

Points to consider before publishing a video

  • The video should be 16x9 ratio.
  • ‘Mobile first’ approach - consider text size when videos are viewed on mobile or not expanded to full screen.
  • It must meet accessibility standards through the correct use of colour contrast, typography requirements for responsive sizes and will have closed captions and transcripts. 
  • Placing relevant metadata like titles, descriptions, and transcriptions beneath the video further enhances search engine optimisation


  • For videos created by APS, transcripts/captions should be provided as as standard. Please double check the transcript to ensure it's accurate before sending the upload action to the Digital team.
  • If your video hasn't been provided with a transcript, or you're extending an existing video that doesn't currently have a transcript, please request one from APS as a 'first proof' action

If your video wasn't made by APS - for example demo or pitch videos - APS will still provide a transcript for you

  • Upload your video into a MOS job as usual and send a 'first proof' action to APS
  • They will run your video through their software to provide a transcription
  • It is your responsibility to check the accuracy of the transcript against your script and make any amendments as necessary before sending to the Digital team to upload

Uploading videos

After the video has been through final approval, send a 'provide final asset' action to the Digital Optimisation Team on the MOS workspace for the video along with the title, description, transcript and any required audience disclaimer.

Vimeo provides different privacy settings - videos can either be public, unlisted (accessible only via link) or private. Videos will be set to unlisted unless otherwise requested. Please note, videos must be set to public to be viewable when embedded in the public website.

The Digital Optimisation Team keep track of all videos to ensure they are maintained.

Embedding a video on the public website

If a video needs to be embedded on a public website webpage, they must follow the below rules.

  • Videos must be at least 3/4 width of the page
  • A transcript must be available either on the page or within the embedded Vimeo video
  • If linking to Vimeo, the video must be displayed in a pop-up and not link directly to Vimeo

If you need a video embedded on the site, please message the Digital Optimisation Team to add it to the page for you. 

Digital Standards