First, select the retirement outcome – flexible, annuity or cash. Then choose based on risk or active and passive investment strategies.

The risk levels shown here were created by Aegon and shouldn't be compared to those from other providers, which may have been developed using different criteria. 

Please read the full risk level descriptions and fund factsheets for full details of risks and charges that apply before deciding which fund to choose.

The value of an investment can fall as well as rise and isn't guaranteed. The value of a scheme member's pension pot may be less than has been paid in,  when they come to take benefits. 

To find out more, please contact us or speak to your usual Aegon contact.

Aegon Workplace Default

This is our chosen default for Workplace Aegon Retirement Choices. Targeting a flexible outcome, it provides a simple solution aimed at the average risk investor. It’s ideal for clients whose employees mainly want to remain in the default and don’t wish to select their own funds.