Services and tools to help support your clients

We’re committed to making your client’s workplace retirement savings scheme easy to manage by providing the support and tools to make scheme management simple. From an automated auto-enrolment service to real-time member data, we want to make sure you and your client can get the most out of the scheme.  

Member Insights 

Comprehensive management information is vital for scheme governance. That’s why we offer an all-in-one governance and reporting tool to support you and your clients.

Member Insights allows employers to understand the retirement savings position of their members, spot any pension concerns, send targeted communications campaigns, view governance data and more. It’s an online tool which means they can access it whenever they like, at their convenience.

You may also request access to Member Insights if you’re helping to manage the scheme on their behalf or part of their governance group. 

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Easy online admin system

Our easy-to-use online admin system uses straight-through processing to simplify administration, reduce paperwork and increase business efficiency. 

We’ll provide your client with all the support and training they need to get their scheme set up and understand how to use our administration systems.

And if you’re involved in the day-to-day management and admin of the scheme – then you’ll also get access to the online administrative systems.

Support with auto-enrolment duties

Our intelligent online service helps employers manage their auto-enrolment duties by automating key tasks. This gives your clients confidence that they’re fulfilling their auto-enrolment responsibilities securely and reliably. 

Aegon Assist logo

Aegon Assist

With so many choices about retirement saving - our Aegon Assist service can offer your clients’ employees free guidance on their retirement options and combining pension pots. Aegon Assist is our free UK-based pension guidance service.  They don’t give financial advice, but they do provide members with information, so they can make their own decisions or have informed conversations with their adviser.

Scheme management

All our schemes have a dedicated Scheme Implementation Manager who takes ownership for the scheme set-up and provides full support and training. They also help to move any existing assets. This makes sure the scheme admin is easy for your client from the start.

Employers can also access our managing your scheme support area – including many resources to help with scheme admin. 

Looking for ongoing support? You and your client can get in touch with our expert staff to help with ongoing scheme management.

For larger schemes, you’ll have a dedicated contact to work with you and your client to deliver a valuable workplace savings solution, based around your client’s needs.

Help with engaging their employees

We work hard to make sure we understand customers so we can produce high-quality communications. We use our customer panel to test communications and behavioural economics to craft compelling messages to drive action.

Our Member Insights tool gives you and your client the ability to trigger email campaigns to address opportunities highlighted in your governance report. For example, this may include targeting members that are saving less than their peers or reminding people to nominate their beneficiaries either online or by completing their death benefit nomination form. 

Your clients can also use our promoting your scheme employer-facing toolkit to help run a campaign and encourage scheme engagement. 

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