You can make changes to your account by contacting us. In some cases, you may need to send us an original or certified copy of a document as well. 

Copies of documents can be certified by one of the following people:

  • Accountant
  • Armed forces officer
  • Bank/building society official
  • Commissioner of Oaths
  • Councillor (local or county)
  • FCA regulated person
  • FCA regulated financial services intermediary (e.g. stockbroker or insurance broker)
  • FCA regulated financial advisers
  • Member of Judiciary/Justice of the Peace
  • Job centre employee
  • Member, associate or fellow of a financial services professional body
  • Paralegal (certified or qualified paralegal or associate member of the Institute of Paralegals)
  • Post office official (through the post office’s certification service)
  • Ministers of religion
  • Member of Parliament, or Scottish/Welsh/Northern Ireland Assembly Member
  • Doctors/Nurses or Dentists
  • Serving Police Officer
  • Solicitor/Lawyer/Advocate
  • Social worker
  • Teacher/Lecturer
  • Embassy, consulate or high commission officer in the country of issue
  • Notary public
  • Government department member of staff or official

The person certifying your document should write the following on the copy:

For documents with a photo.

'I certify this to be a true likeness of {insert individual's name} and that this document is certified to be a true copy of the original seen by me’.

The person certifying should:

  • Print their name in block capitals
  • Write or stamp the name of the company they work for
  • State their occupation and role within the company
  • Sign their declaration
  • Provide contact telephone number
  • Date that the certification took place

For documents without a photo.

‘I certify this to be a true copy of the original seen by me’. 

The person certifying should:

  • Print their name in block capitals
  • Write or stamp the name of the company they work for
  • State their occupation and role within the company
  • Sign their declaration
  • Provide contact telephone number
  • Date that the certification took place

Documents can't be certified by someone related to, lives at the same address or is in a relationship with the customer/keyparty.

Where documents aren't in English, a certified translation is required. The person certifying the translation must confirm the following information:

  • That it's a 'true and accurate translation of the original document'.
  • The date of the translation.
  • The full name and contact details of the translator or representative of the translation company.

Before making any changes to your policy you may want to get financial advice. There may be a charge for taking financial advice. If you don't have a financial adviser, you can visit MoneyHelper to find the right one for you.

Looking for more help?

Our customer support has a range of topics with answers to help you, if you still require further assistance you can also find out how to get in touch.
