A general investment account (GIA) is a medium to long-term investment that could be an option if you’ve used up your ISA allowance and don’t want to lock your money away in a pension. Althoigh the investment has no fixed term, you should be prepared to hold the investment for at least five years, ideally longer. You'll have access to a range of different investment opportunities and can invest a regular monthly amount, a lump sum – or both.
If you’re not sure if this account is right for you, please speak to your financial adviser if you have one. If you don't have a financial adviser, you can visit moneyhelper.org.uk/choosing-a-financial-adviser to find the right one for you.
Important things to think about
The value of your invested money can fall as well as rise and you could get back less than you invest.
Each of the funds you choose to invest in will have its own specific risks. Details of these are contained in the Key Investor Information Document (KIID) for each fund. It’s important to read each KIID for the funds you choose so you’re fully aware of the risks of each fund.
Although there’s no fixed term, because the value of your invested money can fall in value, you should consider this a medium to long-term investment. You should be prepared to hold the investment for at least five years - ideally longer.