Picture your best life tool

Our research shows that the more concrete a picture you have of your future self, the more likely you are to get the retirement you want.

Financial wellbeing index

Our financial wellbeing index shares wider insights of our research and practical tips you can put into practice. The index was conducted with over 10,000 people across the UK to build a picture of the nation’s view on their future self and finances.

Use our flipbook to further explore the money and mindset building blocks, with more tips on balancing these to improve your financial wellbeing. It has lots of valuable information to help you work towards being a financial wellbeing all-rounder. 

Read our flipbook

Financial wellbeing index

Our financial wellbeing index shares wider insights of our research and practical tips you can put into practice. The index was conducted with over 10,000 people across the UK to build a picture of the nation’s view on their future self and finances.

Use our flipbook to further explore the money and mindset building blocks, with more tips on balancing these to improve your financial wellbeing. It has lots of valuable information to help you work towards being a financial wellbeing all-rounder. 

Read our flipbook

Financial wellbeing personas

Read our deep-dive into financial wellbeing personas, developed from our financial wellbeing research.

Discover which persona you most relate to and where you are on the path to becoming a financial wellbeing all-rounder. Plus, find helpful links to help you with your next steps.

Personalised support with financial advice

We believe in the value of financial advice and its importance when making financial decisions. Our research found that those who seek financial advice are also more likely to feel joy and satisfaction with their finances.

See our guidance on taking the first steps to getting financial advice.

Second 50

We’re exploring life after 50, or what we’re calling the ‘Second 50’.

Life after 50 isn’t what it used to be; the traditional three-stage life of education-work-retirement is fast moving to a ‘multi-stage’ life. Our research highlights that generation by generation on average we’re living longer, and how this is changing our relationship with work and retirement.

Read our report The Second 50: Navigating a multi-stage life

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