On 1 September 2020, the charges for the following Scottish Equitable and Aegon Threadneedle funds reduced.

  • Scottish Equitable Threadneedle American fund
  • Aegon Threadneedle European Select (AOR) fund

These changes apply across our pension, Aegon Retirement Choices (ARC) and Aegon One Retirement (AOR) fund ranges.

Investors will have started to notice the reduction in charges on our fund fact sheets, their plan statements or via their online account.

Why have the charges reduced?

The underlying fund manager, Colombia Threadneedle Investments, have changed the way they charge for the management of their funds. As a result of this, the charges for the Scottish Equitable/Aegon versions have reduced.

Nothing else about the funds has changed. For example, the aims and objectives, fund manager and Aegon risk ratings remain the same.

The new charges in more detail

Pension and ARC investors:

  Scottish Equitable Threadneedle American fund
Charges prior to 1 September 2020 Charges from 1 September 2020
Total charge*
Applies to pension version
1.73% 1.63%
Fund charge**
Applies to ARC version
0.73% 0.63%
Source: Aegon UK

*This includes a standard 1% product charge, a fixed management fee and expenses that vary with the day to day costs of running the fund. You may pay a different product charge.

**This is on top of any product or adviser charge you pay and includes a fixed management fee plus expenses that vary with the day to day costs of running the fund.

 AOR investors:

  Aegon Threadneedle European Select (AOR)
  Charges prior to 1 September 2020 Charges from 1 September 2020
Fund Charge**
Applies to AOR version
0.83% 0.80%

 What investors need to do

Existing investors don’t need to do anything. Please speak to a financial adviser if you’re unsure about what these changes means for you. You can find one in your area at moneyadviceservice.org.uk