Navigating the platform is simple and intuitive.  We’ve researched and tested the design of Aegon Retirement Choices and One Retirement with a panel of advisers and customers, to make sure we’re giving you a modern digital experience.

If there are any areas where some additional support and information may be needed you can read about it here.

Sending a new activation code to your client

If your client needs a new activation email, you can send them a new one. Simply go to the Client summary, then select View client account – you can find this in the Client details section.

Once you’re in the Client account, go to the Client’s account status section and select Send activation email. We’ll display a confirmation that we’ve sent an activation email to your client.


Capped drawdown

If you want to process additional crystallisations into a capped drawdown arrangement you/your client needs to complete a form and send it back to us. Choose the relevant form from the selection below depending on what your client wants to do.

If there’s an active Secure Retirement Income (SRI) in place

Secure Retirement Income (SRI) provides guaranteed income payments into your client’s drawdown cash facility for the rest of their life – no matter how long that is – even if the value falls to zero. This means they can retire knowing that a minimum amount of cash will always be available in their drawdown account that they can take as income, without worrying whether market falls will adversely affect their retirement plans.

Each crystallisation involving the movement of SRI into drawdown will create a new SRI account in the drawdown product. This new account will be able to activate its own guaranteed income alongside any other SRI accounts your client holds.

We make guaranteed income payments from the SRI account on a monthly basis for the full monthly amount, by selling units and paying the guaranteed income payment amount into the drawdown cash facility.

To find out more about SRI contact

Please don't email any personal, financial or banking information as it's not a secure method of communication. If you have a dedicated secure email service with Aegon, for example Unipass Mailock, please use this service.

Searching for your clients

When searching for one of your clients from your Dashboard, and you see the search results, you can filter the results to show all results, clients only or prospects only. When we use the term “prospect” it means a client of yours that doesn’t hold any products with us, you can see that their client ID will start with a “P”.

The term “client” is used for your clients that do hold a product with us.