If you want to know about submitting requests for your clients, you can read about this in Managing your clients’ accounts.

If you log in to your account multiple times, perhaps on a different device and/or using the same device but a different browser or window, the most recent login will take over any previous log in.

Your account

Once you log in to Aegon Retirement Choices or One Retirement you can find your Account link at the top right of the page. This page holds all the details we have on you, your permissions, account security and preferences. 

If you have trouble accessing your account and you think it might be locked, speak to a user in your firm with the user administration permission and ask them to unlock your account. If you don’t have one or they aren’t available, you can contact us. and we’ll be happy to help.

To keep your account as secure as possible, you need to contact us if you want to change your first name, last name, email address or date of birth.

Find out how to update your mobile number for two factor authentication.


There are different permission types available.

Each permission will allow a user to carry out different tasks. To see what permission(s) you have log in to your account and select Account at the top right. Scroll to Permissions.

If you’re not able to carry out a task you think you should be able to this could be because you don’t have the right permissions. A user in your firm with the user administration permission can add, or remove permissions from your account. If you don’t have one or they aren’t available, you can contact us and we’ll be happy to help.

Keeping your account secure is important so at this section you can read about how to change your password, change the mobile number you use for two-factor authentication and manage your devices.

Depending on your permissions, you may be given the option to trust the device you’re using when you log in. You can trust up to five devices, if you try to trust additional devices, we’ll remove the oldest device automatically. If you’re using a trusted device, each time you log in within an 18-hour period, you won’t have to use two-factor authentication each time you log in. The next time you log in after 18 hours you’ll be asked to authenticate using two-factor authentication but you won’t be asked if you want to trust the device as it’s already on the list.

If you want to manage the devices you use to access your account, you can log in to your account and select Account at the top right. Scroll to Account security and select Manage devices at the Your devices section.

Creating a new user’s account 

To set up a new adviser in an existing firm, you need to complete the Financial adviser application form and send this to us.

If you have the user administration permission you can set up a new non-adviser user (someone who acts on behalf of an adviser, such as a paraplanner).

To do this, select Create new user from your dashboard and enter the new user’s details.

You can only give users access to the branches and/or advisers that you have access to. If there are branches and/or advisers in your firm that you don't have access to, you won't be able to give another user access to them either. You'll need to find someone in your firm who has the user administration permission and has access to the branch and/or adviser to set that user up. You’ll also set what permissions the user can have. We’ll show you online the different permissions and what that allows the user to do.

By adding and removing permissions and access levels you’re driving what branches and/or advisers the user can act on behalf of and tasks they can and can’t do. Branch level access gives access to all clients and advisers within that branch, so make sure you only give this access if that's what you want the user to be able to do. 

Once you've completed setting up the new user, we’ll automatically send them an email inviting them to activate their account.

Managing another user’s account 

If you have the user administration permission on your account this allows you to carry out certain tasks on other users in your firm. Read on to find out about managing another user’s account.

If you have user administration permissions, select Search from your dashboard. From there you’ll be able to carry out a search for the user and once you’ve found them you can view their account.

In this section you can only update their email address, if the user’s account is active. Remember this will also change the email address the user uses to log in.

To keep their account as secure as possible the user will need to contact us if they want to change their first name, last name or date of birth. A user can also update their own authentication mobile number.

You can control what branches and/or advisers a user has access to as well as their permissions. If there are branches or advisers in your firm that you don't have access to, you won't be able to give another user access to them either. You'll need to find someone in your firm who has the user administration permission and has access to that branch or adviser to set the user up.

If you update a user’s branch or adviser access, or permissions, this is an immediate update for the user.

By adding and removing permissions and access levels you’re managing what branches and/or advisers the user can act on behalf of and tasks they can and can’t carry out. Branch level access gives access to all clients and advisers within that branch, so make sure you only give this access if that's what you want the user to be able to do.  

If the user’s device isn't available as their authentication method, you can select Reset authentication method. The next time the user logs in, we’ll ask them to select their authentication method.

You can view the status of a user’s account. The different statuses we have are:

  • Pending activation - this indicates the user has been sent an activation email but hasn't yet activated.
  • Active – the user has activated their account.
  • Locked – the user’s account is currently locked.
  • Inactive – the user’s account has been deactivated.

If a user no longer needs access to their account you should select Deactivate.

You can select to Send activation email to the user if their activation code has expired, or if they’ve previously had their account deactivated but they now need access again.

And if they’re account has become locked, you just have to select Unlock at the Unlock account section.