We've designed One Retirement to make the most of the retirement options available and to meet the needs of your clients, with easy access to their money if their circumstances change.

There are broadly three ways for your clients to take an income in retirement, as follows:

Cash lump sum

Your client can cash in retirement savings - 25% tax-free lump sum, pay tax on 75%*.


Guarantees your client income for life but with limited flexibility.

Flexi-access drawdown

Provides an income while your client remains invested, but their income isn't guaranteed.

*The amount of tax-free cash available may vary depending on circumstances and any guarantees previously secured.

Maximising pension income

Your clients can choose to take their benefits using drip-feed drawdown — an automated, tax-efficient way to take their pension income. Explore drip-feed drawdown and read our case study to see how drip-feed drawdown can help your clients maximise their pension income.

The value of an investment can fall as well as rise and isn’t guaranteed. Your client could get back less than they invest.

Knowledge centre

As well as championing the value of your advice, we provide insight and support to help you navigate industry and economic changes.

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