This guide is for financial advisers only. It must not be distributed to, or relied on by, customers. The information on this page is based on our understanding of legislation as at 1 February 2025.

Legislation allows an employer to postpone the automatic enrolment of workers at specific dates. For an employer with a staging date, postponement can take place on:

  • the employer’s staging date, for workers in employment at that date, or
  • the date the worker is first employed by the employer (for workers not employed at the employer’s staging date), or
  • the date an existing worker meets the eligible jobholder criteria (e.g. where a worker reaches age 22.)

New employers* can use postponement on:

  • the first day of employment for any worker, including the start date of their very first worker (the employer’s duties start date), and
  • the date a worker employed by them meets the eligible jobholder criteria on or after the employer’s duties start date.

Postponement cannot be used at the employer’s cyclical automatic re-enrolment date. You can read more about this in the Cyclical Automatic Re-enrolment section of this guide.

Postponement can last for up to three months and is sometimes referred to as a ‘waiting period’ or a ‘deferral period’.

* A new employer is:

  • an employer who becomes an employer on or after 2 April 2017 and doesn’t have a PAYE scheme, regardless of whether they pay PAYE income or not, and
  • an employer who first pays PAYE income in respect of any worker on or after 1 October 2017

It’s important to note that a jobholder who is not an active member of a qualifying scheme can opt in, and an entitled worker can choose to join a registered pension scheme, at any point during the deferral period.

Where assessment for automatic enrolment is postponed for a worker, the employer doesn’t have to check whether the worker is eligible for automatic enrolment before issuing the postponement notice.