We aim to make choosing investments as simple as possible for scheme members.
By offering a tiered approach, members can choose the level of involvement that they would like in making pension investment choices.

Do it for me
This option is for those who prefer to go with the default fund chosen by their employer. It's an easy option as the scheme is managed by professionals and supported by robust governance.

Guide me
Members who don't want to create and maintain a portfolio from scratch, but want to be more active in choosing their own investments, can select Risk-Managed funds based on their appetite for risk, or choose a lifestyle fund from our Workplace Target range.
Find out more about Risk Managed Portfolios.
Find out more about our Workplace Target funds.

Leave it with me
More confident members, or those with a financial adviser, can choose from over 5,300 investment options. It is simple to login to their online account and start choosing.
The workplace Aegon Retirement Choices fund range includes:
- Insured funds, including lifestyle funds.
- Collectives – including other pooled funds like Open Ended Investment Companies (OEICs) and unit trusts.
- Equities (direct investment in company shares).
- Investment trusts
- Exchange-traded funds (ETFs)
Member education and support
Support and education
We help engage members to make informed investment choices by providing clear information about the funds available to them. - online, in our scheme joining communications and via workplace presentations.
We also offer a range of investment education materials, giving scheme members tips on what to think about when choosing investments. This includes information on investment basics, lifestyle funds and responsible investments for example.
Support into retirement
As members approach retirement we write to them to remind them of their retirement choices and to encourage them to review their investments to ensure they're still suitable to match their retirement goals.
We also send letters to remind those in the scheme default fund about the automatic changes their fund goes through just before retirement. We ask them to check that they’re still on track for the retirement they want and send them to our dedicated Lifestyle hub to find out more about their options.
Support for you and your clients
Support is available on request online and through our help and support centre, particularly during periods of market uncertainty.
Market outlook and fund developments
We run quarterly webinars keeping you and your workplace clients up-to-date with market trends and regulation affecting investments.
Find out more about our Aegon Retirement Choices scheme support.
Services and tools for your workplace clients
We aim to make scheme management simple and offer a number of tools that employers can use to support their Workplace Aegon Retirement Choices scheme. This includes:
- Member Insights – our comprehensive governance and management information tool that provides insight and analysis of the scheme with actionable and measureable data.
- Report Zone – access to real-time management information about members, investments and contribution trends.
- Employer toolkit – we supply a wealth of supporting material to help with scheme set-up and management of the workplace scheme.
Learn more about services and tools to help support your clients.
The value of an investment can fall as well as rise and isn't guaranteed. The final value of a member's pension pot when they come to take benefits may be less than has been paid in.
*As at December 2023