Aegon Master Trust is a full-service defined-contribution pension, offering simplicity and convenience. It combines independent governance with a flexible investment capability, robust administration, and tailored communications to help members achieve financial security. And it’s fully authorised – meeting a set of regulatory criteria set by The Pensions Regulator.

How the master trust works

Aegon Master Trust (AMT) lets you hand over pension governance to a board of trustees for a hassle-free workplace pension scheme. 

While master trusts are run for the benefit of multiple employers, each employer has its own section within the overall trust, allowing individual employers' needs to be met – such as deciding contribution levels for the scheme and how the money is invested. 

Our master trust consists of a single board of fully independent trustees, which govern the whole trust. They provide investment oversight and have a legal obligation to support your members’ best interests and make sure the trust offers value for members. 

The AMT board includes both professional trustees and experienced retirement savings professionals. Their individual expertise covers areas such as consumer engagement and protection, Environmental, Social and Goverance (ESG) investments for the workplace, and the regulatory requirements for defined-contribution.

Aegon Master Trust corporate brochure

Read our corporate brochure to discover the benefits of the Aegon Master Trust proposition.

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Trustee Connect

The way the trustees operate and interact with employers, we believe is unique in the market.  They take away your governance burden, but not your voice.  They welcome the input from employers and want to make sure your views are heard. Here’s the ways the trustees will help you as part of Trustee Connect. 

  • You’ll have a dedicated trustee aligned to your scheme. They'll be available to attend your governance meetings once a year.
  • The trustees host two in-person Master Trust Summits each year. You’ll hear about what the trustees are doing, feedback about your experiences, ask any questions, and interact with other employers in the Master Trust.
  • They invite clients to their board meetings to have a 'deep dive' on your feedback and to discuss the Master Trust strategy.
  • The trustees also host sessions with our customer panel, so they get feedback from members as well as employers.

This engagement allows the trustees to obtain direct insights which helps them to focus on the areas that are important to you and ultimately deliver better member outcomes.

Profile of Ian Pittaway, Chair of the AMT Board

Meet the trustees

Here’s an introduction to our board of Aegon Master Trust trustees. Discover why they’re a valuable member of our board and what makes them tick.

Meet the trustees

Flexible master trust solution

Supporting materials


The Pensions Regulator logo

The Pensions Regulator (TPR)

Aegon Master Trust is an authorised master trust meeting a set of regulatory criteria set by The Pensions Regulator.

Awards and ratings


DC Investment Manager of the Year (BlackRock)

UK Pensions Awards 2023

Defaqto logo

TargetPlan Master Trust 4 Star rated

2024 Defaqto Star Ratings

Find out more about the AMT fund range

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