Encouraging members to get involved with their retirement savings is crucial to them achieving great outcomes.

We’ve developed a powerful framework to help you increase engagement and bring your scheme to life in your workplace, through a range of ready-to-use assets and tools, in both digital and traditional formats.

Why run a pension engagement campaign

  • Make sure employees understand the benefit of the workplace savings on offer, and how important it is to save for the lifestyle they want when its time to access their retirement savings.
  • Educate employees on the basics so they feel more confident to take control of their retirement savings and encouraged to plan and set goals using the free tools available.
  • Just as its important for employees to regularly review their retirement savings, its also important you regularly nudge them and point them in the right direction to get further help to open more options for their retirement income.


Reaching employees through campaign activity

The reality is that many people fail to engage with their workplace retirement savings, but you can change this. You have a key role to play in making sure your workforce engage with their long-term retirement savings and the ‘free money’ on offer from both you and the government.

This should include helping employees to understand the basics such as what a pension is, how much you contribute and where their money is invested. Better employee engagement can lead to improved and more informed decision making, including around areas such as contributions, investment and retirement income decisions. In turn this is likely to lead to people saving enough so they are able to afford to retire when they choose rather than working on into later life because they have to financially.

Here’s an example of how an engagement campaign could be run easily in stages. You can tailor it to suit your workplace, so you can reach all your employees no matter where they’re based.


Before you do any campaign activity, it’s worth running a report on Member Insights* or if you don't have access to Member Insights you can use PlanManager to help you understand the retirement savings position of scheme members. This information can help you highlight key areas where there’s room for improvement. Such as reviewing contributions and investments or making sure employees have nominated a beneficiary – enabling you to consider and implement the benefits and support that will have the most positive impact.

Also consider the demographic make-up of your workforce and what concerns and challenges may be impacting them, such as managing debt or family commitments, and work to create lasting and tangible solutions to support them.

Member Insights


Campaign topics and content

Helping employees with financial guidance and advice

We know there’s sometimes an uncertainty to engage employees on financial topics. Not least because the lines between financial ‘advice’, which must be given by a qualified individual, and ‘guidance’ aren’t always easy to tell apart

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), makes the rules about financial promotions and advice. As financial advice is regulated by the FCA, you can't give employees financial advice.

We want to help you talk positively and constructively about retirement savings to your employees without straying into advice. So we're here to help you work out what you can say and what you can't.

Further information

We inform and support members at every step of their pension saving and retirement journey. No matter what stage of their journey they're in, we'll help them navigate their way through. And we’ll help you manage the scheme, support your scheme members and keep you up to date with workplace retirement savings.

You'll find a range of support material including core documents, guides, videos, and online content in these toolkits below.