Encouraging members to get involved with their retirement savings is crucial to them achieving great outcomes.
We’ve developed a powerful framework to help you increase engagement and bring your scheme to life in your workplace, through a range of ready-to-use assets and tools, in both digital and traditional formats.
Why run a pension engagement campaign
- Make sure employees understand the benefit of the workplace savings on offer, and how important it is to save for the lifestyle they want when its time to access their retirement savings.
- Educate employees on the basics so they feel more confident to take control of their retirement savings and encouraged to plan and set goals using the free tools available.
- Just as its important for employees to regularly review their retirement savings, its also important you regularly nudge them and point them in the right direction to get further help to open more options for their retirement income.
Reaching employees through campaign activity
The reality is that many people fail to engage with their workplace retirement savings, but you can change this. You have a key role to play in making sure your workforce engage with their long-term retirement savings and the ‘free money’ on offer from both you and the government.
This should include helping employees to understand the basics such as what a pension is, how much you contribute and where their money is invested. Better employee engagement can lead to improved and more informed decision making, including around areas such as contributions, investment and retirement income decisions. In turn this is likely to lead to people saving enough so they are able to afford to retire when they choose rather than working on into later life because they have to financially.
Here’s an example of how an engagement campaign could be run easily in stages. You can tailor it to suit your workplace, so you can reach all your employees no matter where they’re based.
Before you do any campaign activity, it’s worth running a report on Member Insights* or if you don't have access to Member Insights you can use PlanManager to help you understand the retirement savings position of scheme members. This information can help you highlight key areas where there’s room for improvement. Such as reviewing contributions and investments or making sure employees have nominated a beneficiary – enabling you to consider and implement the benefits and support that will have the most positive impact.
Also consider the demographic make-up of your workforce and what concerns and challenges may be impacting them, such as managing debt or family commitments, and work to create lasting and tangible solutions to support them.
We suggest sharing one campaign at a time to make sure the highest level of engagement.
A report from Member Insights* can help you select the topic or if you don't have access to Member Insights you can use PlanManager. For example you’ll be able to see how many members have activated their online accounts, or a more specific need, perhaps there’s a high number approaching retirement.
There's also email templates available in Member Insights you could use to create a campaign.
After you’ve decided on a campaign topic, it’s worth thinking about the best communication channel to reach your employees - are they all based in the same office or spread across the UK in various sites?
The time of year can have a huge impact on the success of a campaign. So we’d recommend avoiding school holidays or Christmas and New Year where you can.
Let your HR team know, and also if you have a scheme adviser let them know you’re planning to run a campaign. Let them know the timeframe of the campaign and the topics you're covering - so they’re prepared for any extra queries they might get.
It’s also good to decide how long you’ll give employees to take action. Perhaps setting a deadline in the content or making a diary note for example three weeks from launching the campaign.
We want to help you land the messages with your workforce that the value of their retirement savings could be their greatest asset when they come to access their benefits and it’s a fantastic benefit that you, their employer, are providing.
To shape the campaign experience prepare your content using the communication assets we’ve shared below. There’s a range of topics and we’ve suggested key messages and included what action the member can take.
- Sample communication copy – this can be used with the digital assets and videos to create emails, newsletters, intranet or benefits site content. It can also be used offline and added to an agenda for a team meeting or employee conference.
- Posters – put these up in high footfall areas in your workplace or at employee events.
- Flyers – lots of options for handing out or workspace drop.
You’re ready to go live, there’s no need for you to test. We test and review our communications to make sure they’re relevant, easy to understand, avoiding jargon and always speaking to members in plain English. We also use industry insights and behavioural economics to encourage maximum employee engagement.
This approach makes sure the solutions we provide meets both your and your employees’ needs.
We recommend three weeks post-campaign you can check how many employees have taken action, for example how many have activated their account, from your campaign by running a report again on Member Insights* or if you don't have access to Member Insights you can use PlanManager. If you’re happy with the results – that’s great. You can be confident for any future campaigns you want to do next. However, don’t worry if the figures aren’t quite what you hoped for it’s important to keep nudging.
If the results aren’t what you hoped, we recommend sending a reminder or follow up email to nudge. You can also take the opportunity to ask for feedback if there are other topics they’d like covered in a future campaign. Again you can decide on how long to give employees before checking the results.
To create a reminder or follow up email, tweak the original communication headline or email subject line by adding a nudge. For example, account activation email subject line could be 'Take control of your retirement plan online'. The reminder could simply update to 'Reminder to take control of your retirement plan online' and all other content would still be relevant.
It’s key that you communicate and inform your employees about the services and support available to help them assess their options – especially during difficult times. Ongoing campaigns will help you play your part and help employees decide the best course of action for their circumstances.
Now you’ve got the conversation started, try and be consistent with how and when you communicate with them. You’ll give them reassurance - even if their retirement savings aren’t in the best shape now, that doesn’t mean they have to stay that way. And resilience – when even the best-laid plans can be derailed by unforeseen events.
Campaign topics and content
If your scheme is new to Aegon, we want to make sure members know all about their new workplace retirement savings right from the start. This is arguably the most important time for getting members engaged.

We take you through the initial member journey in this welcome toolkit - so you'll be aware of what your employees will get at every step of the way.
We've created a suite of material to help you launch and promote your scheme. Including posters and digital assets you can access and download to help welcome scheme members.
Scheme information leaflet
Access the editable template to create your Scheme information leaflet. This leaflet can be shared with the Scheme announcement email you'll find in the Welcome toolkit.
Introduction to workplace savings video
This video cuts through the complexity of workplace savings and grabs attention with relatable and easy-to-understand content. Could be played at employee sessions, or add a link to it in other communications.
Key messages
The benefits of being online, such as seeing how funds are growing, checking if savings are on track, increasing contributions, changing investment choices and using online tools.
It can really get them thinking about:
- If they should they be paying in more.
- Are they in the right investment funds.
- Should they combine other plans with other providers.
- Those considering opting out may change their mind once they see the value of their account.
- Getting them to use online tools and calculators.
Help employees activate their account
You can use the sample copy to create emails, newsletter content, intranet articles or on benefits sites. Or why not add to a manager briefing.
Key messages
The app allows members to view and mange savings securely – helping them stay in control of their finances. With instant access to all their important savings information as well as being able to see fund balances, contribution details and a breakdown of their investments.
They’ll have access to educational content and videos in the Knowledge hub, which aims to educate and empower members on the key areas of retirement planning.
Download our app promotional pack
Our promotional pack includes:
- Poster - you can print this off and put up in your high footfall areas or at employee events.
- Sample copy - use this to create an email, or included in a newsletters, or on your intranet/benefits site.
- Digital assets - including screensavers or add one of our digital banners to your intranet.
Why not share our video with your employees, you can use this link - vimeo.com/788272883
Actively managing their plan can help members make the most of their savings and maximise the chances of seeing their savings grow over time. Regularly reviewing their retirement goals and considering their options in advance can also help them feel more in control - giving you reassurance you've helped keep your employees retirement plans are on track.
Key messages
A pension pot could be the most valuable asset when reaching the time to access retirement savings. Retirement savings are a long-term strategy - investments can go down as well as up affecting the value.
Help employees review their retirement savings
This copy content can be used to create emails, newsletters, intranet or benefits site content, added to an agenda for a team meeting or employee conference.
The amount your employees contribute to their pension will determine the type of lifestyle they could have in retirement. That's why it may be important for you to encourage members to review their contributions - even paying in a little more could make a difference.
Key messages
Make sure employees realise it's not just their own payments going into the plan they'll also benefit from your contributions and tax relief. Plus salary sacrifice may add even more. If they can pay more in (within HMRC limits) and about matching contributions (if you offer this) if they pay more, you'll pay more, making their salary package even more valuable. Also, if contributions increase with age or grade and what happens if they opt-out of the pension.
Help employees review their contributions
This copy content can be used to create emails, newsletters, intranet or benefits site content, added to an agenda for a team meeting or employee conference.
Investment choice is a key decision for retirement planning. It's important members are happy with the fund(s) they choose and that you encourage them to monitor their savings throughout their working life, particularly as they get closer to retirement.
We offer various options for members depending on their preference for how they want to manage their investments.
Key messages
Details about the default investment fund and performance, the availability of other funds, and that it's possible to switch funds with free switches on offer.
Help employees review their investments
This copy content can be used to create emails, newsletters, intranet or benefits site content, added to an agenda for a team meeting or employee conference.
Additional resources
Investing: The basics
A video guide to help members review their investment funds.
Whether employees have already worked at a few places, or just starting out, chances are they'll accumulate a few different pension pots throughout their career.
Combining pension pots isn't right for everyone, and there are important things to check and consider. Together we can help members decide what's right for them and their future, if they decide combining their pensions pots is right for them, we're here to help them take the next step.
Key messages
Bringing savings with different providers together in one pot may make all-important retirement savings easier for employees to manage. They may be paying more by having multiple pots elsewhere and there's no cost from Aegon for them to transfer. Members should contact Aegon Assist or a financial adviser if they're not sure about their options.
Help employees combine their pension pots
This copy content can be used to create emails, newsletters, intranet or benefits site content, added to an agenda for a team meeting or employee conference.
When using these digital assets, include this url when embedding online: aegon.co.uk/consolidation
We all like to have control over our finances for when we're around to enjoy them, but members need to think about what will happen to their retirement savings should they die.
If this were to happen before they accessed their pension pot, the full value of their account would be considered to provide a cash sum to their beneficiaries.
Key messages
Members should complete a nomination form to let us know who they'd like to receive any benefits which may become payable on their death (if they haven't already). Any existing nomination forms for other schemes they have with us won't be taken into consideration. It's a good idea to review nomination(s) from time to time, so it accurately reflects their wishes and takes into account any change in circumstances.
Help employees nominate beneficiaries
This copy content can be used to create emails, newsletters, intranet or benefits site content, added to an agenda for a team meeting or employee conference.
More ways to save gives your employees the option to save through our Aegon Stocks and Shares ISA.
Key messages
Employees can access this through their TargetPlan online services. Once open, they can manage their ISA and workplace pension together in one place.
Help employees with More ways to save
This content can be used to create emails, newsletters, intranet, or benefits site content, added to an agenda for a team meeting or employee conference.
Financial wellbeing is more than just people's financial position, it's also the emotion and outcome we want to connect with our services, support and the journey with us.
Your employees all have individual needs and through our money and mindset principles, you could help them each adopt habits and behaviours to get more enjoyment from their finances and give them peace of mind.
Our ambition is to collaborate with you using the content and practical tools for you to use with employees to improve their financial wellbeing.
Find even more on our dedicated Financial wellbeing hub featuring content, tools and information to give support.
Key messages
The importance of financial resilience to broader wellbeing. Encourage employees to think about what they need to live a happy and fulfilled life, and to consider how to fund it making life enjoyable and meaningful both now and in retirement.
Help employees with financial wellbeing
This copy content can be used to create emails, newsletters, intranet or benefits site content, added to an agenda for a team meeting or employee conference.
Digital assets
Where your scheme charge is less than you previously paid, you could use this campaign to let members know.
Key messages
Lower charges could mean your members pay less charges and could mean more may be potentially paid into their savings pot. Help your employees think about the potential benefits of having all their workplace savings in one easy-to-manage place.
Help employees feel more informed about lower charges
This copy content can be used to create emails, newsletters, intranet or benefits site content, added to an agenda for a team meeting or employee conference.
Helping employees with financial guidance and advice
We know there’s sometimes an uncertainty to engage employees on financial topics. Not least because the lines between financial ‘advice’, which must be given by a qualified individual, and ‘guidance’ aren’t always easy to tell apart
The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), makes the rules about financial promotions and advice. As financial advice is regulated by the FCA, you can't give employees financial advice.
We want to help you talk positively and constructively about retirement savings to your employees without straying into advice. So we're here to help you work out what you can say and what you can't.
- You can give members factual information and talk positively about their workplace retirement savings scheme.
- You can help members to sign-up online to manage their retirement savings.
- You can tell members about contributions, including the contribution you make to their pension and the tax benefit they receive from HMRC (or the savings they can make if you use salary sacrifice). This can really show how much you invest in their pension and can make employees value it more.
- You can give them information provided by Aegon about their pension.
- You can point them to Aegon Assist or PensionWise for guidance. Or MoneyHelper if they need help finding an adviser.
- You can’t give your members any advice about their retirement savings. You can’t suggest how they should invest, if they should consolidate or how they should take their pension when they retire.
- You can’t give any advice or financial incentives to encourage members to opt-out of their pension scheme or to pay lower than the auto-enrolment minimum contributions.
- You shouldn’t answer any question from an employee that could lead to advice, for example answering ‘What would you do…?’ ‘Should I…?’ ‘What does the company recommend I should do about…?
Further information
We inform and support members at every step of their pension saving and retirement journey. No matter what stage of their journey they're in, we'll help them navigate their way through. And we’ll help you manage the scheme, support your scheme members and keep you up to date with workplace retirement savings.
You'll find a range of support material including core documents, guides, videos, and online content in these toolkits below.
* Member Insights is a free service available to schemes with over 50 members. The scheme needs to be with Aegon for at least six months to enable sufficient data results.