Scheme members are increasingly aware of what a sustainable future means. Many worry about climate change, environmental destruction and social inequality, and understand that their pensions can be used to drive positive change.
The regulatory landscape is evolving, with growing pressure to integrate and report on ESG factors, notably climate-related risks.
Future-proofing a pension scheme now means being mindful of sustainability and responsble investments ̶ and we're here to support you and your scheme members.
Our approach to responsible investment
At Aegon, we have a strong track record as a provider of investment strategies that consider ESG factors within their investments.
We've over 30 years' experience managing responsible investments and have over £23 billion invested in funds that consider ESG (as at 31 December 2023).
We've committed to halving greenhouse gas emissions in our default funds by 2030, and to net zero emissions by 20501.
We've pledged £500 million by 2026 to climate solutions - investments that directly contribute to climate change mitigation and/or adaption.
We're a signatory of the UK Stewardship Code - a set of 12 principles that sets high standards for responsible investment on behalf of UK savers and pensioners.

Collaboration is key to driving change, so we've signed up to the UN Principles for Responsible Investment and joined initiatives like the Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change (IIGCC).

We offer a range of funds that consider environmental and social factors, designed to suit your investment preferences.
1As measured by carbon footprint, based on a 2020 start date. 2030 target based on scope 1 and 2 emissions for listed equity and corporate fixed interest only.
ESG in our workplace investments
Choose the relevant product below to find out how our workplace investments incorporate ESG considerations, and how we're making sure our default funds will meet our net zero target.
For those looking beyond the default option, we also offer a range of investment options that consider ESG factors on our platforms, offering members the opportunity to select funds based on their own sustainable investing preferences.
The value of investments may go down as well as up. The value of a scheme member's pension savings may be less than they invested.
Please speak to your usual Aegon contact to find out more about our responsible investment approach and how we can support you.